Ifath Nawaz

Ifath Nawaz

Job Title: Senior Consultant Solicitor

Ifath Nawaz advises on all Planning and Development matters, specialising in high-value and complex development, regeneration, and infrastructure projects.

With extensive experience in both the private and public sectors, Ifath has worked on major projects involving commercial, residential, leisure, education, art, transport development, and regeneration.

Email: [email protected]

Practices: Construction Law, Housing and Regeneration, Planning Law

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Examples of previous projects:

  • Working on the High Speed 2 project on behalf of a number of clients, including local authorities
  • Advising Parkside (London) Ltd and Parkside (Offices) Ltd on all planning matters on their mixed-use development comprising three new buildings of 9, 14 and 18 storeys containing 169 residential units, office and retail with cultural facility. Undertook work relating to planning agreements, NMAs, highways and CIL issues from grant of permission through to completion of construction.
  • Advising and working on a number of S106 Agreements relating to the regeneration and redevelopment of sites in Barking and Dagenham including:
  • Advising and negotiating S106 Agreement for site at former Axe Street, comprising redevelopment and erection of 1 to 13 storeys providing 170 residential units with cinema, flexible commercial floor space and office accommodation with landscape and public realm improvements.
  • Advising on S106 agreement and general planning advice on phased redevelopment of site with clearance of whole site, erection of new buildings from 2 to 29 storeys to provide 1,089 residential dwellings, associated private amenity space, employment floor space, ancillary management and residents’ facilities, plant room, vehicular access points, car and cycle parking, public realm, landscaping, and riverside works.
  • Negotiating on the S106 Agreement for new permanent bespoke premises for a Mercedes Benz prestige used car dealership with customer lounge, 22 bay workshop, MOT testing, other car related activities.
  • Advising and negotiating the S106 Agreement for phased development for mixture of outline and reserved matters for development comprising 219 residential units, Class D1 use, open space, public realm, car parking, and associated works for site in Dagenham.
  • Advising promoter of site in Aylesbury Buckinghamshire for mixed use development for 1100 residential units, 102,800 sqm employment use, 60 residential extra care units, mixed use local centre, up to 5700 sqm hotel and conference centre, up to 3500 sqm leisure facilities, up to 16 ha for sports village and pitches, Athletes accommodation, primary school provision, strategic link road with further transport, infrastructure, landscape, open space, flood mitigation and drainage provisions.  Advised on the S106 Agreement, highways issues, indemnity issues and development matters.
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